How does this help my business?

This is a friendly look through your social media pages by a professional social media marketer.

You know how you can’t see the back of your own head? That’s how hard it is to see what changes you need to make to reach the clients you’re looking for. It can be overwhelming trying to do this by yourself.

How would it be if a friendly, kind professional looked through your pages and helped you find ways to make more impact on social media?

Will it hurt?

Not even a little bit. We will talk, I’ll look at your pages and see if you are using the full range of content being listed.

For instance, if you are a baker ; you’re going to post pictures of cakes on your social media. By the end of the month what do you have? 30 pictures of cake.

So why aren’t your tasty cakes reaching new viewers? What do you need to do to get more eyes on your page and more cake into sticky hands?

That’s where my Opportunity Audit comes in. It’s packed full of quick wins in an easy listing format.

How much input do you need from me?

It could be as little as 15 minutes.

I’ll call you or set up an online meet. I then spend the next few days reviewing your social media pages.

Within 7 days, I send you your own, unique Opportunity Audit to keep.

How much does this cost?

Opportunity Audit for 1 platform is £25. This price will increase in May.

Audit for 2 platforms is £45.

Price increases in May

Audit for multiple platforms is a bespoke price.

If you then choose to work with me either as a content creator or for your marketing, audit fees are waived against first months fees. Offer only stands when contract is signed.

Book an Opportunity Audit Now