Squiggle Social
Cracking content for creatives

Cracking content for creatives

Cracking content means sharing images and copy thatʼs bold, funny or expressive. And itʼs easy. Hereʼs a fictional bio about Mary Beard, the famous classicist : Dame Mary Beard, Cambridge Classicist and Professor of Ancient Rome. Celebrated author and trustee of the...
Colder than a Witch’s Kiss

Colder than a Witch’s Kiss

In the middle of November, just as it was getting cold and dark, our boiler broke. We booked a new fitting, for the first available space: 3rd January 2024. I’d love to say that bringing the bleak Midwinter indoors ignited my imagination and sparked creativity. It did...
What to do about negative comments

What to do about negative comments

Today I read a fantastic BBC report about NunTok – it’s a growing community on Tik Tok of people who belong to various religions and want to use Tik Tok to break stereotypical ideas about them There are dancing Nuns, a video making Rabbi, Shaolin monks and...
Instagram for Business – Getting Started

Instagram for Business – Getting Started

Do you buy without seeing the product first? Or do you like to window shop? I like to know a little about what I’m buying because I’m fussy like that. I’m not alone in choosing to spend time window shopping online : 90% of people on Instagram follow at least one...