You know those posts on LinkedIn, where people boast about their lives? Most of us stop reading right there.
Like this one:
Iʼm Jon, CEO of cable recognition. Today I experienced the true meaning of existence, I rose mindfully at Dawn, drank a protein shake for optimized male power and ran 31 miles, barefoot through the empty streets of Hull.
Jon, youʼre boring, canʼt recognise an innuendo and secretly weʼre all hoping you stand on a pin.
What if Jon was more expressive? or honest?
Iʼm Jon, today was going to be the start of my new exercise regime. I wanted to learn to be the kind of person that can function without caffeine and enjoy running. I started with good intentions, but itʼs so hard. Anyone relate? Iʼd love to know what helped you keep going- good running shoes or a technique? Thanks.
This time weʼre being invited to tell Jon what we think. Jonʼs a bit needy and hard work but the reach on this post will be 10x the previous one, all because he asked a question.
When weʼre bold with our content, we surprise our audience. Image or copy, give your followers something interesting and new. Want to see bold and funny content in action? Pick up a picture book. Look for the page where the image and words disagree:

When you use social media strategically, you save time and effort.
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