You know those posts on LinkedIn, where people boast about their lives? Most of us stop reading right there. Like this one: Iʼm Jon, CEO of cable recognition. Today I experienced the true meaning of existence, I rose mindfully at Dawn, drank a protein shake for...
In the middle of November, just as it was getting cold and dark, our boiler broke. We booked a new fitting, for the first available space: 3rd January 2024. I’d love to say that bringing the bleak Midwinter indoors ignited my imagination and sparked creativity. It did...
Today I read a fantastic BBC report about NunTok – it’s a growing community on Tik Tok of people who belong to various religions and want to use Tik Tok to break stereotypical ideas about them There are dancing Nuns, a video making Rabbi, Shaolin monks and...
Do you buy without seeing the product first? Or do you like to window shop? I like to know a little about what I’m buying because I’m fussy like that. I’m not alone in choosing to spend time window shopping online : 90% of people on Instagram follow at least one...